iTMS is committed to innovate in the healthcare and medical fields using data and AI technologies.

We are looking for aggressive individuals who are willing to take on challenges to achieve our goal.
We are eager to work with people who are not bound by existing ways of doing things, who are always willing to take on new challenges,
and who share our passion to work with us to build our business and organization.

We look forward to working with you to create new value by utilizing the knowledge and skills you have cultivated over your career.

Application Requirements

Job category Business Developement

Data Architect Scientist   AI Engineer Business Promoter


Corporate Member
Employment statusFull-time employee (probationary period: 3 months)
LocationiTMS Headquarters (Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5 4F, 3-8-5 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Work hours       Flexible working (Core time: 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
SalaryTo be determined in accordance with the Company's regulations, based on the employee's experience, skills, and abilities.
Others[Social insurance] Health insurance, employee pension, and unemployment insurance
[Commuting fee] Provided
[Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays

Job category

Data Architect

Data Architect is responsible for designing database structure and data management flow, defining operations, and building the system environment.

Statistical Analysis Basic knowledge of CDISC

Experience in DM operations



The Scientist is responsible to review various system requirement
documents from a clinical perspective and to advise system development personnel.

Knowledge of biotechnology and genomics

Previous work experience in biotechnology/genomics
Medical license


AI Engineer

System development

Knowledge of statistics and machine learning

- At least 3 years of working experience in statistics or machine learning.
- Experience in designing business problems and defining requirements for data analysis.
- Business level English or Chinese language skills.


Business Promoter

Sales of DX-related services utilizing the Academia Network

Good communication skills and general sales-related skills,
including contract drafting

Experience in commissioned business related to clinical development, such as clinical research monitor


Corporate Member

Corporate operations primarily in accounting, general affairs, and human resources

- Experience in corporate operations with a focus on accounting, general affairs, and human resources
- Various qualifications useful for corporate operations, such as the Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping


Click here for inquiries regarding employment

